Published by Angela Sanchez on March 8, 2021

Is Your SEO Strategy Holding Your Business Back?

It’s harder than ever to plan, execute, and refine an SEO strategy that gets results but you need to trust the best seo agency. Search engine optimization is key for making your website visible, but if you misuse it, it can also work against you. This can happen whether you’re doing things yourself or using SEO expert services. You need to ensure that whatever local SEO services being employed by the experts at these companies are working. But how can you really know?

There are a few telltale signs to look for when trying to determine if your search engine optimization is making you money or holding your business back.

Using Too Many Keywords in Your Content

Keyword-rich content is important for ranking on search engines, but this is also one of the top reasons why content rankings suffer. Some SEO expert services promote loading up content with keywords, but all this does is cause havoc. It’s hard for human readers to consume, which is why Google hates it. Plus, Google detests being manipulated, which is very hard to do these days, since it now tracks user satisfaction signals. So if your users are bouncing, then that shows Google people don’t want or like your content.

You can use the Fetch as Google tool to help find out if your content is keyword stuffed. Your focus should be on helping consumers, not so much on the keywords.

Using Irrelevant Keywords

Keyword research is essential to the success of your search engine optimization strategy. If you’re using keywords that aren’t directly related to your industry, then Google will categorize it as a spammy website. And spammy websites aren’t ranked. Again, Google will be looking at user satisfaction signals, and if it shows people moving away from your site quickly or not interacting with your site, then this will negatively affect your search engine ranking.

Using Link Building Schemes

Once upon a time, you were able to trick Google into believing your site was highly regarded and in return, they would rank your site highly. But after they caught on to webmasters acquiring thousands of links from irrelevant sites, they cracked down. If you take the time to read the Google Webmaster Guidelines, you’ll see that outbound link manipulation will not be taken lightly. This includes purchasing links from link farms, utilizing automated link-building tools and using link wheels. You should also refrain from sneaky tactics like hiding text links in the images.

Focus on building relationships with bloggers and users and getting real links pointing back to your website.

Publishing Low-Quality Content

What is the most important component in any SEO strategy? It’s the content. You can’t have a successful campaign without it, whether it’s in the form of video, text or images. Whatever you publish on your website and social media accounts should be high-quality. You don’t want to populate your blog with automatically generated content, this too is on the radar of Google. User-generated content is acceptable and can actually help your SEO. Focus on making content that is unique and adds value to your audience. Your content should display your credibility and authority in the industry.

Not Refreshing Your Low-Quality Pages

If your website has been around for a few years, you likely have a few pages that are old and/or low-quality. You need to revive these areas with content that is great quality and valuable. If you were using old tactics that are penalized by Google, you need to rejuvenate them because your site will still get penalized, even if all your recent content is within their guidelines and is getting lots of user engagement.

Acquiring assistance from a SEO services company can help ensure that your website is on the right track to gaining visibility on Google.

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